Space Travel - Scientific Proof of God - "Unification" of world religion found
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Gordon Muir
2003-11-25 19:52:46 UTC
According to the experts on the physics
channels someone has already "unified"
Zero Point Energy.

This is disccusing how to look for ways to use energy in space
travel,and how to use anti-matter or dark-matter invisible energy.

Gurus teach about the chakras connecting the spiritual anti-matter
energy with the physical energy,if scientists studied meditation and
found out the mechanics of the chakras then they could build physical
chakra transformers to control the energy of the physical world and be
able to dematerialise like in Star Trek on television.

Gordon Muir.
2003-11-26 13:22:59 UTC
Post by Gordon Muir
According to the experts on the physics
channels someone has already "unified"
Zero Point Energy.
This is disccusing how to look for ways to use energy in space
travel,and how to use anti-matter or dark-matter invisible energy.
Gurus teach about the chakras connecting the spiritual anti-matter
energy with the physical energy,if scientists studied meditation and
found out the mechanics of the chakras then they could build physical
chakra transformers to control the energy of the physical world and be
able to dematerialise like in Star Trek on television.
Two suggestions:

Stop taking hallucinogens.
Stop reading fantasy books.

Ah, one more thing:

You really ought to consider talking to a professional about your
views. Maybe you should start with your mom.
Gordon Muir
2003-11-26 19:19:18 UTC
Advanced Technologies,for anti-matter energy,which is energy from the
spirit world.

Zero Point Energy Field,or anti-matter.
This is energy that comes from the spiritual dimension of
infinity,physical energy is a positive and negative polarity that
comes from God in the spirit world of infinite energy,if a machine
could be built to control the energy of infinity by building
mechanical chakras then time warps could be made around any object and
teleport it to anywhere in the universe instantly by taking the space
ship into infinity then reapear back in the physical world.

Gurus and experts on chakras and meditation should get together with
scientists to work on this,it works similar to Astral Travel thats
when a person meditates and leaves there physical body,the physical
worlds and spirit world are connected up with chakras and the energy
is transformed into physical energy as it gets seperated into opposite
polarities,similar to when you eat food and it digests and transforms
into the physical body,so the food in a supermarket is what your body
is made of,but its been transformed from one energy to another.

Gordon Muir.

"Len Bergstrom" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<kFRvb.210816$***@attbi_s51>...
According to the experts on the physics
Post by Gordon Muir
channels someone has already "unified"
Scientific Proof of God.
Post by Gordon Muir
Zero Point Energy.
This is disccusing how to look for ways to use energy in space
travel,and how to use anti-matter or dark-matter invisible energy.
Gurus teach about the chakras connecting the spiritual anti-matter
energy with the physical energy,if scientists studied meditation and
found out the mechanics of the chakras then they could build physical
chakra transformers to control the energy of the physical world and be
able to dematerialise like in Star Trek on television.
Gordon Muir.
Alan Pollock
2003-11-27 03:44:27 UTC
Post by Gordon Muir
Advanced Technologies,for anti-matter energy,which is energy from the
spirit world.
Zero Point Energy Field,or anti-matter.
This is energy that comes from the spiritual dimension of
infinity,physical energy is a positive and negative polarity that
comes from God in the spirit world of infinite energy,if a machine
could be built to control the energy of infinity by building
mechanical chakras then time warps could be made around any object and
teleport it to anywhere in the universe instantly by taking the space
ship into infinity then reapear back in the physical world.
Gurus and experts on chakras and meditation should get together with
scientists to work on this,it works similar to Astral Travel thats
when a person meditates and leaves there physical body,the physical
worlds and spirit world are connected up with chakras and the energy
is transformed into physical energy as it gets seperated into opposite
polarities,similar to when you eat food and it digests and transforms
into the physical body,so the food in a supermarket is what your body
is made of,but its been transformed from one energy to another.
Gordon Muir.
So ask it to teach you to write. Nex

Gordon Muir
2003-11-26 19:22:46 UTC
Advanced Technologies,for anti-matter energy,which is energy from the
spirit world.

Zero Point Energy Field,or anti-matter.
This is energy that comes from the spiritual dimension of
infinity,physical energy is a positive and negative polarity that
comes from God in the spirit world of infinite energy,if a machine
could be built to control the energy of infinity by building
mechanical chakras then time warps could be made around any object and
teleport it to anywhere in the universe instantly by taking the space
ship into infinity then reapear back in the physical world.

Gurus and experts on chakras and meditation should get together with
scientists to work on this,it works similar to Astral Travel thats
when a person meditates and leaves there physical body,the physical
worlds and spirit world are connected up with chakras and the energy
is transformed into physical energy as it gets seperated into opposite
polarities,similar to when you eat food and it digests and transforms
into the physical body,so the food in a supermarket is what your body
is made of,but its been transformed from one energy to another.

Gordon Muir.

"Len Bergstrom" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<kFRvb.210816$***@attbi_s51>...
According to the experts on the physics
Post by Gordon Muir
channels someone has already "unified"
Scientific Proof of God.
Post by Gordon Muir
Zero Point Energy.
This is disccusing how to look for ways to use energy in space
travel,and how to use anti-matter or dark-matter invisible energy.
Gurus teach about the chakras connecting the spiritual anti-matter
energy with the physical energy,if scientists studied meditation and
found out the mechanics of the chakras then they could build physical
chakra transformers to control the energy of the physical world and be
able to dematerialise like in Star Trek on television.
Gordon Muir.