Baroness Edwina Frogbucket
2007-08-14 12:40:26 UTC
I wish he was on every day instead of John Gaunt. For a start, I wouldn't
have bags the size of a Zeppelin under each eye and Gaunty's constant
shouting has worn rather thin now. At first I thought he was funny but he's
now just a screaming fat-bloke who never gives anyone a chance to speak.
He's boring. Collins meanwhile, will give others a chance to speak, does
concede a point, and is very funny.
have bags the size of a Zeppelin under each eye and Gaunty's constant
shouting has worn rather thin now. At first I thought he was funny but he's
now just a screaming fat-bloke who never gives anyone a chance to speak.
He's boring. Collins meanwhile, will give others a chance to speak, does
concede a point, and is very funny.
Baroness Edwina Frogbucket
Baroness Edwina Frogbucket